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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sleeping juror raises renewed concerns at Roger Clemens’ trial
Roger Clemens’ trial judge summoned lawyers in the pitching star’s perjury case back to the courtroom today to discuss concerns over a sleeping juror and an off-the-cuff quip by the alternate juror to a member of the final 12-member panel deciding Clemens’ legal fate.
The courtroom discussions took place as the jury was scheduled to resume deliberations on Clemens’ guilt or innocence on six charges of lying to Congress. Prosecutors and defense lawyers routinely agreed to provide the jury a comprehensive list of exhibits presented in the case.
U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton said that defense lawyer Rusty Hardin had raised concerns that a middle-aged woman serving on the jury appeared to briefly fall asleep during four hours of closing arguments in the case on Tuesday.
Hardin said he had slapped the podium at one point during his part of the defense presentation apparently to wake up the nodding juror.
Walton, who has already dismissed two jurors for falling asleep, said he had asked his judicial clerk to monitor whether the woman juror had been sleeping after lawyers raised concerns earlier in the trial. More
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