SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota – Police in South Dakota said they arrested two carnival workers when officers intercepted a doll filled with 1.3 ounces of crack cocaine.
Sioux Falls police said they received word Saturday from police in Pearland, Texas, that a suspicious package was on its way to their city via FedEx, the Argus Leader (Sioux Falls) reported Wednesday.
“They ended up getting a search warrant on the package and found the doll with the drugs inside,” police spokesman Sam Clemens said. “They repackaged it and the undercover detectives delivered that package.”
The package was picked up at a Sioux Falls hotel by Louis Frank Deak (picture), 35, of Lawton, Okla. Deak told police he was unaware of the package’s contents and was picking it up for coworker John Thomas Whitfield, 55, of Houston to pay off a debt. Full Article
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