
Monday, April 9, 2012

Bay City burglar stopped by 11-year-old pleads guilty as charged to numerous felonies

BAY CITY, MI — A Bay City man whose burglary spree was ended by an 11-year-old girl has pleaded guilty as charged to eight felony charges.

Bryan R. Harrison, 40, last week appeared in Bay County Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to three counts of larceny in a building, two counts of second-degree home invasion and single counts of first-degree home invasion, possession of burglary tools and safe breaking, with the last charge punishable by life in prison.

As a condition of his plea, Harrison's minimum prison sentence is not to exceed 216 months. If Circuit Judge Harry P. Gill opts not to follow this stipulation, Harrison will be permitted to withdraw his pleas.

Harrison spent Dec. 30 breaking into Bay City homes, stealing a safe, a laptop, a DVD player, several DVDs and jewelry from a house in the 1200 block of North Dewitt Street and a watch, TV and Blu-Ray player from a residence in 1300 block of North Trumbull Street. Full Article

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