
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nude Maid Service Draws Police Scrutiny in Texas City

A West Texas entrepreneur has taken maid service to the next level.

Patrons who are willing to pony up $100 an hour can have their houses cleaned by a scantily clad, topless or totally naked woman. And for an extra $50 per hour, clients of Fantasy Maid Service of Lubbock will have two women clean house.

Owner Melissa Borrett, 26, said Tuesday night that she started the service in mid-February because she was struggling to make ends meet as a waitress.

She started off providing “fantasy maid” service on her own, and now has three maids – Angel, Maryjane and Star – working for her.

“We clean, we cook, we iron, do laundry, pretty much any kind of household chores … it’s all maids work,” she said. “I’m thinking Alice from the ‘Brady Bunch.’”  More

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