
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Store owner fights back against robbers with bear spray

When two masked men walked into Zhen Yang's Gatineau convenience store Tuesday night, at first he thought it was a practical joke.

But as the men whipped out short knives and demanded cash from the register, he knew it was no farce.

Yang searched the shelves behind the counter for something, anything he could use to fend off his assailants.

"I need to find something to defend myself, I cannot use my pencil, right?" he said as he relived the experience.

Then Yang remembered he had a can of bear spray tucked behind some belongings.

The spray had been sitting there unused for years.

Yang let the two thieves have a full dose to the face. He said his skin is still burning from the spray, which clouded the air.

While one man fled the scene, Yang managed to grab the other as he leaped over the counter, repeatedly spanking him with a closed fist.  More

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