
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weird Crime: Fast food--still bad for you, even if your pregnancy is fake

Police officers arrived at the home of Tamala Grissett to arrest her for shoplifting approximately $1,300 worth of items from a local Macy's. When they asked her for identification, Tamala handed them a fake I.D. When this tactic failed to get her off the hook (and exposed the fact that she still had 11 outstanding warrants for her arrest), Tamala resorted to Plan B: Screaming at the one of the officers that she was going to kill him and threatening to file an abuse claim.

When that didn't work, Tamala then went with Plan C: Fake pregnancy complications/going into labor.

I'd like to pause the tape for a minute to point out a couple of things:

-Plan C should have been Plan B. Once you've threatened a police officer, you're getting busted no matter what happens next. If Mary had told off a Roman soldier right before giving birth to the baby Jesus, she still would have been thrown in a dungeon before the umbilical cord was cut. I doubt Tamala's possibly fake child birth would have gained much sympathy from her arresting officers. More

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