Atlanta Journal Constitution
The chain reaction of wrecks that left seven people injured Friday afternoon while stifling traffic on Spring Street downtown started with a robbery gone awry, according to Atlanta police. An off-duty police officer working at the Varsity heard the ...
The Express Times -
A Newark man wanted on armedrobbery charges was picked up in Easton after a traffic stop, where authorities found heroin, drug paraphernalia and cash, according to court records. Authorities pulled over a vehicle driven by Ashley Werkheiser, after she ...
Denver Post
GOLDEN — A Jefferson County grand jury has indicted a 52-year-old parolee in the robbery, sexual assault and strangulation of Lakewood attorney Claudia Miller. Warren Watson had been on parole exactly two weeks when, police say, he made an ...
Sacramento Bee (blog)
Sacramento County sheriff's detectives seek help identifying a man wanted in connection with an attempted bankrobbery earlier this month. On March 1, the suspect entered the Chase Bank in the 3600 block of Fair Oaks Boulevard and gave the teller a ...