
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

True Crime - Man trapped in 'It's a Small World' wins suit

Los Angeles Times
Crime reports are up significantly for the latest week in 12 L.A. neighborhoods, according to an analysis of LAPD data by the Los Angeles Times' Crime L.A. database. 10 neighborhoods reported a significant increase in violent crime. Encino (A) was the ...
Previous years have shown an increase in violent crime with the coming of warmer temperatures in Newark and surrounding areas. In previous years, East Orange and other cities have made a similar push in advance of warmer summer nights – and have ...
Toledo Blade
Blight is considered a problem as well as crime in the East Toledo area bounded by Elgin Avenue and Front, White, Nevada, and Oak streets where Toledo Police conducted a sweep that ended Sunday. THE BLADE/KATIE RAUSCH Enlarge | Buy This Photo ...
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
A disabled man who spent more than half an hour trapped in Disneyland's “It's a Small World” ride in 2009 has won $8,000 in damages from the amusement park, the man's lawyer said Tuesday. Jose Martinez, a resident of San Pedro (Los Angeles County) ...