
Thursday, October 23, 2014

House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers brought gunman down

Canada – House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers was hailed across Canada as the hero who brought down a deranged gunman before he could spill any more innocent blood.

While Vickers’ position is often seen as a ceremonial gig, he has the very real job of protecting Canada’s lawmakers — which he carried out in heroic fashion on Wednesday.

He shot and killed Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, who had stormed into Centre Block on Parliament just before 10 a.m., officials said.

The 58-year-old former Mountie was best known for marching a massive gold mace into the House Commons before each session. The mace is a symbol of the queen of England’s authority over Canada. More

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