
Friday, December 26, 2014

Large crowd hurls bottles, rocks at police after fatal shooting of armed man

GALVESTON – More than 100 people threw bottles and rocks at officers after a Texas City police officer Friday shot and killed an armed man firing at patrons leaving a bar.

The officer arrived at H.T.’s Lounge in Texas City after police received a call about 1:20 a.m. from the bar manager asking for help, police spokesman Sgt. Joe Stanton said.

The officer saw a man firing a handgun at patrons leaving through the front door of the bar, police said. The man pointed his gun at the officer, who fired a fatal shot.

The officer called for assistance and officers from Galveston, La Marque and the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office arrived to control a crowed that had swelled to more than 100, Stanton said. More

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