
Monday, January 12, 2015

Abused 2-year-old child dies of injuries in Kansas City hospital

Kansas City’s first homicide of the year is a 2-year-old victim of child abuse, Police Chief Darryl Forté reported Sunday.

Police said the Kansas City toddler was so severely abused he had been on life support since he was taken by ambulance to a hospital Friday morning with head, brain and internal injuries.

Mirsad Hamidovic (picture), 23, on Friday was charged with two counts of child abuse and two counts of domestic assault in the first degree. All are felonies. No additional charges had been filed Sunday afternoon, police said.

The abuse allegedly occurred while the child was in Hamidovic’s care overnight at an apartment in the 1700 block of Washington Street on Thursday while the boy’s mother was at work. More

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