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Monday, January 26, 2015
Dad who massacred family thought girlfriend cheated
The Queens dad who massacred his family Saturday blasted his baby-mama to death in a fit of jealousy and shot his two daughters because he’d rather see them die than go into foster care after the attack, sources said.
Jonathan Walker, 34, was overheard at a liquor store the night before the attack — telling anyone who would listen that he was convinced his common-law wife, Shantai Hale, was being unfaithful.
“He believed she may have been cheating on him — possibly with more than one person,” a law-enforcement source said. “He went and got drunk that night before heading home.”
After pounding drinks, Walker skipped his nightclub-security gig Friday evening. Flowing with liquid courage, the murderous man instead showed up at his gal pal’s Springfield Gardens home at around 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning, where he methodically executed 7-year-old daughter Kayla and badly wounded her 12-year-old sister, Christina. More
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