
Friday, February 13, 2015

'I just wanted peace and quiet': daughter whacks mother 20 times in head with skillet and hammer

A Pennsylvania woman who repeatedly bludgeoned her mother with a frying pan and hammer because she "just wanted peace and quiet" pleaded guilty Thursday after the prosecutor agreed to drop attempted murder charges.

Kimberly A. Jacobs, 47, called Northern York County police Sept. 5 after she hit her mother, Lenore Jacobs, in the head up to 20 times with a pan followed by a 4-pound hammer but still failed to kill her, The Patriot-News reported.

The elder Jacobs, in her daughter's care for several years, was bleeding heavily and suffered skull fractures when police arrived.

"My daughter was trying to kill me because I was crying," the elder Jacobs told police, according to The Patriot-News. "She just kept hitting me."

Jacobs confessed she planned to kill her mother, father — who was asleep — and then herself. More

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