
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Man Freed After 30 Years In Prison For Crimes He Did Not Commit

Citing DNA evidence, Cook County authorities on Wednesday freed a man who spent nearly 30 years in prison for the rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl in the south suburbs, tacitly acknowledging that the true perpetrator has so far escaped punishment for a particularly vicious crime.

Christopher Abernathy, 48, walked out of Stateville Correctional Center near Joliet after a judge wiped away his conviction for killing Kristina Hickey in 1984 in Park Forest after she’d sung at a high school choir concert.

Outside the prison where he’d been serving a sentence of life without possible parole, Abernathy joined his ailing 73-year-old mother, Ann Kolus, who has insisted on his innocence since he was arrested at age 18.

His release fulfilled her wish that he walk free in her lifetime. More

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