
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Thug baby-sitting for his girlfriend punched her 3-year-old girl to death

New York - A thug who was baby-sitting for his Brooklyn girlfriend mercilessly punched her 3-year-old girl to death Saturday — flying into a rage because the tot had soiled her pants, law enforcement sources said.

The 20-year-old suspect also turned his fury and his fists on the child’s brother, 5, pummeling the little boy until he was covered in bruises, sources said.

The alleged fiend, Kelsey Smith, called 911 at around 4:30 p.m. giving police the address where he’d committed the heinous acts, another source said. Then he fled — leaving behind a scene of horror inside mom Kimberly Torres’ second-floor apartment at 38 Cooper Street in Bushwick. More

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