
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Woman drives into shopper for stealing parking spot at Walmart

Nebraska – Incensed that fellow shoppers took a spot she was waiting for in a Walmart parking lot, a Nebraska motorist subsequently sped toward the duo in her PT Cruiser, striking one of the victims, cops allege.

According to a Lincoln Police Department report, Julie and Christopher Weakly pulled into the parking spot unaware that Kimberly Pankratius (picture) was waiting for it.

In response, the 36-year-old Pankratius pulled up alongside the duo’s vehicle and called them “douche bags,” cops noted.

Julie Weakly, 40, told police that she and her husband ignored Pankratius’s comments “and continued walking towards the store.” Christopher Weakly, 39, said that he “inadvertently” took the spot for which Pankratius was waiting. More

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