
Monday, November 3, 2014

Woman jailed for after she falsely screamed rape prompting mob to beat innocent man to death

Baltimore – A 20-year-old woman has been jailed for six years after she falsely accused a man of rape then led a gang to beat him to death.

Latiqwa Mayes was enraged that her victim Donald Robinson had not received a stricter sentence for breaking into her room and assaulting her friend at a boardinghouse.

Months later, she saw him walking down the street in Baltimore, Maryland, and yelled: ‘He raped me! He’s a sex offender!’

According to the Baltimore Sun, her father, Willie Mayes, rushed over and a group of teenagers playing basketball nearby joined to hold Robinson down.

Surveillance footage of the attack on September 2, 2013, then showed passers-by joining the attack to kick and punch Robinson as Latiqwa Mayes pepper-sprayed him. More

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