
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

True Crime - What Can Bees Teach Us About GangWarfare?

Using an equation based off animal territories, an anthropologist at UCLA was able to draw theoretical borders between gang turf in Los Angeles. (Reference Photographs: Fotolia; Illustration by Cliff Alejandro ) ...
McCain, R-Ariz., and the other members of the Senate's "Gang of Eight" left Capitol Hill last week without coming to terms on major points of contention such as the future flow of immigrant workers and border security. The senators had hoped to ...
San Jose Mercury News
A Santa Cruz County prosecutor said Monday that he has refiled a gangallegation against a county man arrested last spring in South County for allegedly carrying a loaded gun, participating in a gang and possessing drugs. The charge was dismissed last...
The criminal complaint identified thegang's two leaders as Mykal Derry, 32, and Tyrone Ellis, 31. U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman said Dirty Block was considered Atlantic City's predominant street gang, operating mainly from the Stanley Holmes Village ...